Annual Report

Head Eesti sõbrad!

Dear Friends of Estonia!

Eesti rahva hüvanguks olete panustanud nii jõu kui ka nõuga 27 aastat.  Suur tänu teile hoolivuse ja usalduse eest. Teie eelistate hariduse, tervishoiu, noorsoo tegevuse ja kultuuri toetamist. Seda Fond vahendab nii kuidas võimaldab  sissetulek ja partnerlus Eesti organisatsioonidega.
Noorte eest hoolitsevad organisatsioonid nagu Tartu Kristlik Noortekodu ja Tallinna Peeteli koguduse sotsiaalkeskus on osutunud toetajate lemmikuiks.
Pr. Hilda Kaepa, kes esindas Fondi kui ta aastate jooksul külastas Eestit, usaldas  oma testamendi kaudu Fondi haldamisele kolmveerand miljoni dollari väärtuses väärtpabereid. Nendest saadav tulu on tema soovi kohaselt suunatud Tartu Kristliku Noortekodu heaks. Pr. Maia Vanaveski suunas oma  pärandustombust  sama suure summa Fondile. Pr. Vanaveski pärandus võimaldab permanentse kodu ostu TKNile. See on väärikas kink tähistamaks Eesti Vabariigi 100. a. juubelit.
Hariduse alal tuleb esile tõsta Tartu Ülikooli rahvusvahelise õiguse professor Lauri Mälksoo algatus asutada Tartu Ülikooli Tallinna osakonda kaheaastane ingliskeelne magistriprogramm(MA in International Law and Human Rights) koos rahvusvahelise õiguse ja inimõiguste raamatukoguga.
Toetajate initsiatiiv ja aktiivne koostöö suunab tegevust Fondi algusest peale. Näiteks, Bernard Schneider, M.D., ja Endel Sepp, M.D. panid materiaalse aluse meditsiinitehnoloogia ülekande projektile, mida juhatas Ole Golubjatnikov.  
Kõik annetused on vajalikud , et kindlustada Fondi tegevust Eesti heaks. Avalikkuse toetus võimaldab Fondil tegutseda  ennast tõestanud, legaalsel alusel.

You have told us what you prefer. Your preferences have been followed.  Thank you for caring and for trusting us to follow through.
Over the past 27 years the Fund has used most of the resources to serve education, healthcare, and youth-serving projects. Cultural projects have also been supported,  as reflected by our donors’ interests
In 2016, the Fund was surprised by two very generous bequests. Mrs. Hilda Kaepa left us a portfolio worth three-quarters of a million dollars. Her wish was to direct the income from the investments to support the Tartu Christian Adolescents’ Home. A special account has been set up to honor her wish. Mrs. Maia Vanaveski designated the Fund as a beneficiary. Her bequest,  as generous as Mrs. Kaepa’s, enables the Tartu Christian Adolescents’ Home to acquire a suitable building for its permanent home.  Combined, that support is an estimable present  to Estonia on the occasion of the Republic’s 100th  anniversary.
Professor Lauri Mälksoo conducted the fifth session of the Martens Summer International Law School in Pärnu. Sixty students from abroad applied, 30 were admitted. Thanks to an expert, international faculty, the school contributes to the development of future academic and governmental leaders, especially in the republics that regained their independence and have to be  vigilant to stay free. Professor Mälksoo is also using the Fund’s support to found a two-year Master’s level  progam in international law at the Tartu University campus in Tallinn.
Please visit our website and contact us via 

Your ideas, support, and personal involvement  make all the difference.

2021 Highlights

Ms. Epp Tsirk donated $50,000 for scholarships at the University of Tartu for scholarships in the memory of her grandfather, Karl Lagus. Dr. Bernard Schneider donated an additional $25,000 for scholarships at the Estonian Academy of Arts in the memory of his wife, Helju Rossmann Schneider. Ms. Enne Inno donated $15,000 to the fund.

Bethel Congregation’s Social Center in Tallinn received $26,500 for operating expenses and social services. From the bequest of Hilda Kaepa, the Tartu Christian Adolescents’ Home received $40,000 for operating expenses and social services. Vanaema Juures Family Support Center in Rapla received $32,000 for operating expenses and social services.

Noarootsi Gümnaasium received $6,000 to support its English language program. A student at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre received a $3,600 scholarship from the fund established in 2018 with a $50,000 grant from Epp Tsirk in in honor of  Tõnu Kaljuste. The Estonian Institute of Historical Memory received $2,000 and the Center for Estonian Folk Culture, $3,500 from Ms. Tiiu Kera. The Estonian Academy of the Arts received $1,250 from Mr. Jaan Holt for a scholarship for architectural students. In 2021, $7,500 from the Elmerice and Andreas Traks Scholarship Fund went to five Tartu University students studying medicine.

Estonian American Fund for Economic Education, Inc. Statement of Support. Revenue and Expenses, and Change in Fund Balance for the year ended 12.31.2021

Contributions                                  $ 139,440
Program services expenses              185,350
Support services expenses                 18,237
Total Expenses                                   203,587
Net                                                     -64,147
Investment income                             295,511
Unrealized gain                                  384,991
Total investment income                   680,502
Revenue over expenses                    616,355
Fund balance January 1, 2021     $5,458,895
December 31, 2021                        $6,075,250

Thank you for your generous support!

Thank you for your generous support!

Donor Appreciation 2021

  • Special Grants:
    Bernard Schneider in memory of his wife, Helju Rossmann Schneider, Epp Tsirk in memory of her grandfather, Karl Lagus

    Golden Circle:
    Ago and Aade Ambre, Mari Arulaid, Heljo Alari, Tiiu Csermely, Elim Lutheran Church of Scandia Foundation, Tiina and Agu Ets, Jaan Holt, Ene Inno, Inne and Heikki Joonsaar, Tiiu Kera and Norman Wolfe, Vaike Kulvet, Imre Lipping, Helmi Lutsep, M.D., Andres Madisoo, M.D., M.D., Valdar Oinas, Charles and Helina and Aili Piano, Anu and Rein Pirn, Vilja K. Stein, M.D., Haldi Svanberg, Maud and Rein Tilk, Olaf Virro

    Rauno Joks, M.D., Liina Keerdoja, Helle Kiiss, Christian Kivi, M.D., Peter and Sue Kopperman, Jaan and Maare Kuuskvere, Inge and Sven Ruetman, Epp Sonin, Juri Tint, Thomas Troost, M.D., Mare Valgemae

    Marju Rink and Rein Abel, John and Barbara Ambre, Mai-Liis Bartling, Riina Bathish, Arvo B. Ederma, Linda Frey, Helle Hantho, Evi and Arno Kallas, Anne Ise, Gilda Karu, Eileen Keerdoja, Malle Freudig Lantz, Dr. Ilo Leppik, Helle and Kenneth Martin, Eha McDonnell, Pamela and William McGarry, Helvi Nesenbergs,TP and JD Orcutt, Silvia and Mati Otsmaa, Jakob Partna, Raul Pettai, Ene Piirak, M.D.,  Malle Portway, Toivo Raun, Andres Ruetman, Aire and William Salmre, Aet Sandstrom, Annelie and Toivo Sober, Rein Taagepera, Maie Toomsoo, George Treier, Juri Tults, H. Kristi Valge, Jaak Vikati

    Tiiu and Ylo Anson, Asta and Boris Auksmann, Hilja Bergey, Neville Bittar, Mall Blumfeld, Michael and Melanie Bowser, Christian and Janne Einberg, Ellinor Halmay, Toomas Hannus, Ilo-Mai Harding, Eric Harkna, Maire Jaanus, Silvia Jensen, Julie and Lewis Johnson, Elgi Kaarid-Austell, Aavo Kõiv, Malle Kollom, Lya Karm, M.D. and Joseph Laukitis, M.D., David. M. Krashna, Aili Labidas, Helvi Maie Lippand, Kira K. Lueders, Kiku and Mart Martinson, Heikki Parts, Hando Nahkur Adele and Raul Paabo, Ursula Paap, Charles Parl, Jaak and Luisa Pedak, Tiiu and Vello Prima, Arno Puskar, Kaia and Bruno Renss, Jack B. Riismandel, Silvia Rock, Karin and Hans Ruus, Kelly Scalzo, Monika Senzer, Gitta and Olaf Soot, Dr. Toomas Sorra, Sylvia and Andrew Thompson, Jaan Teetsov, Arvid and Imbi Truumees, Paul Vesterstein, Liia and Jaak Vilms

    Dennis Brady,Tiiu and Wallace Christner, Estonian Society of Indianapolis - Marika Harvey, Edith Heitur, Saide Hettler, Carmen Hicks, R. M. Kendrick, M.D., Eric Kisa, M.D., Tamara Knehnetsky, Eda and Rein Kosenkranius, Aili K. Lenhart, Milvi Ojaduma, Eva O’Keefe, Eve Perri, Karl E. Petersen, Hillevi and Sven Paul, Siiri Puust, Rein Randmae, Ülle and Peep Saluri, Hele Mall Sibul, Arvi Sinka M.D., Paavo Sumera, Virve Vaher, Ado and Kay Valge, Tiina Taagepera Vaska

Annual Report